What a fantastic end to the term!
We went across to church on Monday to take part in creative worship, which was a lovely start to the week!
The children have enjoyed sharing the instructions for their new games with children from Reception class. It was great to see them confidently explaining the instructions, using adverbs and bossy verbs and even giving demonstrations if needed! You can definitely see their oracy skills developing.
During our poetry unit the children wrote their own class poem entitled 'My Christmas Day' based on the classic poem. T'was the night before Christmas. I don;t want to spoil the surprise but,,,,,check your Christmas card!
On Wednesday 4 children attended a Kurling competition at St Bede's High school. They were amazing and came 3rd in the competition, coming away with bronze medals. Well done!
We completed our DT project and made and evaluated a chair for Baby Bear which was trickier than we thought but good fun. There were definitely lots of skills involved!
We've made calendars, Christmas cards, gifts and even listened to a story read by Santa!
Mrs Pickering will not be joining us back in the classroom next year as she's starting a new career in the heath service. We wish her all the very best of luck; she will be greatly missed by both adults and children. Mrs Hartley has been working with us in Year 2 over the last couple of weeks and we are looking forward to welcoming her into the classroom fulltime from the New Year.
It's been a lovely term and we would like to thank you all for your support. I hope you and your family have a peaceful Christmas and a very happy New Year.
See you on the 3rd January 2023!
Merry Christmas