Class Teacher
Miss Barnes
We are lucky enough to have Mrs Dewhurst and Mr Whitley.
We will update our webpage weekly with information and pictures about what we have been up to. Please take a look!
Spring Term 2
P.E lessons are Tuesdays and Fridays
Your child should come to school in P.E kit on these days.
Earrings will need to be removed or covered with tape for the lesson.
We will be having some outdoor learning time (rain or shine!) every Monday so please make sure your child has appropriate clothing (such as wellies and a waterproof jacket) for any rainy days!
Please try and read with your child as often as possible and sign their reading record when you do. They will receive a raffle ticket every time this happens.
Please make sure that your child brings their reading record and book to school every day so that a member of the Year 3 team is able to read with them throughout the week.
Homework booklets will be given out on the first Monday of every half term.
Your child then has a week to complete their maths and spelling homework for that week and return it by the following Monday.
Raffle tickets will be given out for each piece of completed homework.
If your child still has their booklet at the end of the half term they will receive five bonus raffle tickets so take care of it!
Please encourage your child to practise their times tables as often as you can.
If possible please encourage them to play on Times Table Rockstars at home as this is a fun way to learn them!
I have sent your child home with their log in details.
Water Bottles
Please can your child bring a water bottle to school if possible.
We look forward to working closely with you this year to ensure your child has a wonderful time in Year 3.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything with us please feel free to speak to us at the start or the end of the day.
You can also ring the office or contact us for any non urgent enquiries via the Year 3 email address: