Reception Class enjoyed joining the rest of the school on Wednesday to watch Year 6's performance 'Let Loose'.
The children sat so nicely and danced along as the Year 6's gave such an amazing performance!
Mrs Tindall was very impressed with our handwriting on Friday morning. We practised writing the letters in letter family 2 with the help of our rhymes. What an amazing job the children did! They were very proud of themselves 😊
This week we went outside for our PE sessions and the children loved the games we played in their pairs.
First of all they had a cone between them and they had different exercises to do. When Miss Bryan shouted 'snap' the children had to try and pick up the cone before their partner.
They loved playing this game.
Next the children took it in turns to throw their beanbags into two hoops. Their partner was guarding the hoops trying to stop the beanbags going in.