Stars of the week!
Lois has won star of the week this week for always being an enthusiastic learner! She gets so exited about new units of work and puts 100% effort in to all of her lessons. Not only is Lois a model pupil who is always so polite and hard working, she is also caring and patient with others and Year 3 are lucky to have such a positive and kind friend in their class, Well done Lois.
We are very proud to be class of the week again. We are now the winning class in school based on punctuality and attendance. We have Won seven times. Well done children and families,
Well done to our SKATS winners Jacob and Maddison, they have been spotted by Miss Barnes working hard and following our SKATS by showing great perseverance and having positive attitudes in their learning.
Well done Aimraan, most points earned on TT Rockstar!
English Classic Poetry
We have been looking at classic poetry, we read lots of different poetry and worked in groups to perform, then we looked at the spider and the Fly and did some hot seating.
We have started a new topic in our computing lessons with Mrs Wilton. We have began to look at Databases, we talked about different databases and where we might have seen them used. We then worked in partners to challenge each other to arrange data using yes, no questions to find and sort information.