The theme of this weeks PSHE was friendship. We explored how we can be kind to our friends. During circle time we witnessed a scenario where a group of teddy friends were playing together whilst excluding one of the friends called Little Bear. We discussed how Little Bear would be feeling after being left out and how we could make him feel better. We then passed Little Bear around the circle and told him something kind to cheer him because we are kind friends in Reception class.
On Friday we had a trip to the farm.
Farm Animals Warm-Up
We warmed up by jogging around the hall, when Miss Bryan shouted one of the following animals we made that shape:
•cow - on all fours
•owl - standing tall with arms out ready to take flight
•duck - squat down and hold onto the back of your ankles
•pig - rolling from side to side in mud
When Miss Bryan shouted 'The sheepdogs are coming' we jogged around again.
Farmers and Rabbits
We played a new game this week called 'Farmers and Rabbits' and we LOVED it.
We had four farmers who were very angry because there were lots of naughty rabbits (the rest of the class) who had been eating their carrots and other crops!
All of the rabbits had little tails tucked into their trousers and they had to hop around the hall trying to avoid the angry farmers! When the farmers got a tail the rabbit had to sit down. There farmers could only walk and they had to take one tail back to their den before catching another!
Well done to Ellie who won the first game and Hunter who won the second!
Animal Races
We finished our lesson by having some animal races in our groups.
First we were cows (on all fours) and then we were owls, flying with our wings spread wide!
Well done to dragonflies and ladybirds who won the races.