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Week 4 - Tuesday 20th September - Friday 23rd September

This half term our PE unit is 'An Introduction to PE' and we are focusing on rules in the hall and using the space around us. 
This weeks topic was pirates.
We warmed up by moving around the room in different ways. When Miss Bryan shouted 'The pirates are coming' the children had to lie down in a space as still as they could .

After that we played a game of Catch the Captain (similar to What time is it Mr Wolf?)
The children had to ask the captain (Miss Bryan to begin with) what time was dinner.
If the captain shouted '5 o'clock' the children had to take 5 steps forward but... if the captain turned around they had to stop still or they were sent back to the starting line.
It was great fun and most children got the hang of it pretty quickly! We had a few different captains before moving on to our next activity.

Jumping the treasure
Each child was given a coloured cone (their treasure) to match their minibeast group.
We practised jumping over the treasure two footed to two footed and focused on bending our knees. After that the children were asked to jump forwards over the treasure and then backwards over the treasure!

Good job everyone!

On Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed a visit from Life Education Lancashire. We learnt how to look after our bodies and Miss Bryan was really impressed with how well we listened to Karen. We met Harold the Giraffe 🦒 and heard about how he looks after himself and his body 😀

The Everywhere Bear


This week we read 'The Everywhere Bear', a beautiful story by Julia Donaldson. The children really enjoyed listening to the things that Year 1's class bear got up to when he went home with a child from the class!
The smiles on their faces when we revealed our own 'Everywhere Bear' was lovely to see.
Ebony was chosen at random on Dojo to take home The Everywhere Bear and she was super excited. 😍


Noah Trusts God

Noah was one of God's Big Bible Heroes and we have learnt all about him this week.

God wasn't happy with people ruining his lovely world and arguing and being mean to each other. Noah loved and trusted God so when God decided to send a big flood he asked Noah to build an ark to keep himself and his family safe from the flood. Noah did this and gathered two of every animal to go on the ark just like God asked. God promised that he would keep them all safe and he did just that, he kept his promise. At the end of the story a rainbow appeared, this was God's special sign of his promise.

Now whenever we see a rainbow we can remember that God promised to care for us, and like Noah, we can trust God because he always keeps his promises.

We loved hearing this story from Jack and we talked about promises we could make.
Some of the children said little prayers to God about who they wanted him to keep safe like he kept Noah safe.
