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Year 2


Year 2 2022/23

Welcome to Year 2's Page

on our School Website

Meet the Year 2 Team!

Class Teacher

Mrs Malik

Teaching Assistant

                                 Mrs Hartley


Mrs Blackburn will teach us on Thursday afternoon when Mrs Malik is out of class


We will update our webpage weekly with photos and information of what we have been doing in Year 2.

Please take a look!


Our PE days in Year 2 are Tuesday and Thursday.

Children should come to school in sportswear on these days wearing trainers or pumps.  PE will be a mixture of indoor and outdoor lessons (weather dependent!)



Homework booklets will be given out at the start of each half term (on the first Monday).  Children have one week to complete their spellings and maths homework at home and should bring their booklet into school the following Monday. Raffle tickets will be given out for each piece of completed homework.


We read with children on a 1:1 basis in class and we also have daily guided reading sessions.  To support this please could you read with your child for 10 minutes per day and then date and sign their reading record.  To promote home reading and encourage a love of reading we will give out raffle tickets for each time a child reads at home.  To promote independence in Year 2, children are encouraged to be responsible for changing their own reading books as often as required.


Contact us

We are looking forward to working closely with you during your child's time in Year 2.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything with us please catch us on the door at the beginning or end of the day.  You can also contact us via the Year 2 email address ( or ring the office to arrange for a convenient time for a telephone conversation.
