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Year 6

Who's Who?


Mrs Bibby is the Year 6 class teacher. She teaches in Year 6 every day except on Wednesdays.


The teaching and learning assistant in Year 6 is Mrs Robinson. She is in class all day supporting our learning.


Mrs Wilton teaches in Year 6 on a Wednesday. 




When are Year 6 doing PE?
We have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday afternoon. 


What should I wear for PE?

You should wear either the red school PE top or a plain white t-shirt (you could wear your normal school polo shirt) and plain black shorts or trousers. Please make sure you wear suitable trainers. You should come to school dressed in your PE kit. 


How do I get in touch?

For urgent enquiries, please contact the office directly. Their email is The phone number is  01254 698656. Mrs Jacques also has a direct line: 01254 315005 / 07957 653 869.

For non-urgent enquiries, please email This email account is checked weekly. 


What if I forget my log in information?

If you need any reminders of your log in information, just ask your class teacher and we can send a copy home. You will need your log in information for TT Rock stars (times table practice). 

Year 6 Class Worship



Click on the link above to see what we have been doing in Worship in Year 6.
