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Week 2

Week 2

Investigating the effects of exercise on our bodies was the topic in science this week. The children focussed on hand/eye coordination, cardio exercise and balance and how each of these activities affected their heart rate.  It was good fun and even the adults got out of breath too!

In DT we had lots of fun and learnt lots about stability and strength by making structures from cardboard cylinders.  We tested our structures to see how many books they could hold.  The children showed great resilience and team work as they improved their structures based on what the had learned.

In RE with Mrs Wilton the children have been looking at other world faiths this week and enjoyed making Torah Scrolls.  A Torah Scroll is the holiest book within Judaism, made up of the five books of Moses.

Rachel from the NHS gave us a talk about the importance of hand washing and we all took part in an experiment to see how important hand washing is! She used a torch to show us where germs usually hide and told us we need to wash our hands for 20 seconds (you can 2 verses of happy birthday to help you!)

