Design Technology
This week we had a Design Technology Super Learning Day where we worked hard to design, create, make and test our own windmills. This was very exciting and we really impressed Miss Whaley with our finished products!
We have been learning all about weather and we are definitely experts now! We carried out some research about Captain Scott who travelled to the South Pole and his findings. We then compared this to the research we carried out about The Sahara Desert and we made a weather forecast video to demonstrate our excellent knowledge. This helped us to develop our oracy and presentation skills. We have really enjoyed this topic!
In Maths we have been developing our number skills. Our topic has been addition and subtraction within 20. We enjoyed learning about doubles this week! We even had a special visitor in our maths lesson this week - Mr T! We used numicon to find matching doubles, used ladybird spots to help identify and calculate doubles effectively and worked on our problem solving skills by working in our kagan groups to solve Tiny the Turtle's mistake! Both Miss Whaley and Mr T were blown away with our progress!