Worship is an integral part of delivering our vision at St James’. We partake in daily acts of worship where children are able to explore the Christian faith and how this is lived out by others across the world and in the bible. We encourage children to develop their own beliefs regarding their faith and respect their right to do so. Children experience a wide range of stories, media, news and role models from many different cultures, countries, time periods and ages. We celebrate God and his love for us through many different activities, which are inclusive to all. Children enjoy practical and outdoor links to worship. Our strong links with church allow children to experience liturgy and be part of the church community, something which they may otherwise miss out on in their lives. Through worship, we reinforce the belief that God loves every single one of us, just as we are. This builds self - esteem, confidence and allows children to be the best version of themselves. Through various approaches to prayer, children are able to develop their ability to speak to God, should they wish to. This builds their sense of belonging, and for some children, reduces the chance of them feeling alone. We link our faith and the bible to real life experiences, enabling an understanding that God has a plan which we may not understand. We discuss and develop resilience and problem solving during challenges.
Monday - Rev Rebecca leads a whole school worship which supports our whole school half termly worship theme. This strengthens our links with church and allows the children to experience weekly worship in a church. Rev Rebecca offers her expertise and spiritual guidance.
Tuesday - We use a resource called Picture News throughout school. Children explore current and real world topics and discuss their opinions on these. This allows them to develop their own spirituality and courageous advocacy skills, alongside linking this to the bible, our school values and British Values.
Wednesday - Children explore an aspect of our whole school worship theme within their class environment. This enables them to pick apart big questions, bible stories and concepts within a smaller group size and with children of the same age.
Thursday - The whole school join together to explore an aspect of our half termly worship theme. This is led by a member of staff or one of our Pupil Voice Groups.
Friday - Celebration Worship - We celebrate and thank God for our learning, achievements and opportunities from the week - our abundant lives (John 10:10) Parents are invited to join the worship. A member of the Worship Warriors opens each Friday worship in prayer.
Click on the link to see our wonderful worship padlet for 2024 - 2025.
Our Worship Padlet for 2022-2023
Click on the Padlet to explore our Worship this year at St. James'.