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Week 4

Maths with Mrs Blackburn

This week we have been learning about how much things hold, this is called the capacity.

We played a sorting game, we had to sort pictures of containers to show whether they were: full, half full/empty, nearly full/empty or empty.


We have been learning robot poems with Mrs Blackburn, this week we used some of the knowledge of robots to create our own during a junk modelling. 

Oracy Day

This week we had an oracy day, this involved doing a lot of activities to enhance our speaking, listening and team-building skills.

First thing in the morning, we were given a 'Top Secret' message. This instructed us to collect all the classroom pens and pencils then go straight to the hall for a special assembly.

We were then told of the activities we would be engaging in throughout the day. these included:

Creating Cloud Blowers

Treasure Hunt

Buddy Reading

Silent Ball Games

Blindfolded Activities

Marshmallow Tower Building.

We also spent our playtime and lunchtime with other class we don't usually spend time with. This gave us opportunities to speak to them and make new friends.
