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Week 4

Star of the week

Amelia won star of the week this week for her growing confidence in class. She has not always found it easy to speak in front of others but over the last few weeks, Amelia has been sharing her thoughts and ideas with her kegan group and in class. She is also more willing to ask for help if she needs it and I can see she is becoming more confident. I have loved to see you sharing your silly side and great sense of humour! Well done Amelia!


Handwriting award 

This week, Lilly-Mai has won the handwriting award for working really hard to improve the presentation of her written work. Well done Lilly!  

STEM Day Experiment: We tested different materials over the top of cups of chocolate to see which one would let the most heat through.


In music this we are practicing our performance of melodies we have been learning on the glockenspiels over the last few weeks. Our performance is called “Enter the Dragon” and is made up of three-layered pentatonic melodies.


This week, in art, we used wire to create the shape of a fish. We did this by carefully manipulating and joining the wire over an outline.
