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Year 1 (Miss Bryan)

Click on the badges below to find out about our learning in class throughout the year.

Miss Bryan is our class teacher.


Mrs Thomas is our teaching and learning assistant.


Mrs Wilton will teach us on Tuesday afternoons while Miss Bryan is planning exciting things for us to do in class.


Click on the link below to see what we have been doing in our

Class Worship in Year 1.


This year our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. The children will need to come to school in their school PE kit. This must be a plain white t-shirt with black bottoms such as leggings, shorts or joggers and a pair of trainers or black PE pumps.

In Year 1 your child will be given a homework book and a 'talk token' will be sent home every Friday. This is designed for you to talk about your child's learning with them at home (a little like the Padlet that was sent home last year). Please send their homework book back to school on Monday. Children will receive a 'Homework Heroes' raffle ticket for completing the talk token at home and at the end of the half term, one lucky winner will be drawn at random for a treat!

In Year 1 we will be reading with your child on a 1:1 basis alongside daily phonics teaching and daily story time. 

Your child will bring home two books. Their main book is their banded reading book. This book is based on their own individual reading ability and will be in line with their phonics learning. Their second book will be a book to share. This is to encourage reading for pleasure and modelled reading. This is a book that an adult can read to your child or you can read with your child but this will not be a book that your child can decode and read fluently.

During the year your child may bring home a challenge book. This will be a book that is one book band above their reading book to push them and expose them to new words and sounds.

Please read with your child at home at least three times per week. This will support their learning in preparation for their National Phonics Screening Assessment at the end of Year 1.

10 minutes of reading at home per day is ideal. When you have read with your child, please sign their reading record and they will receive a 'Homework Hero' raffle ticket to go into our prize draw at the end of each half term.


Please send your child to school with their book bag and reading books/record every day.

Thank you for your support 😊

If at any point you wish to speak with a member of the Year 1 team or ask any questions please feel free to catch us at the school door at the start or end of the day. Or alternatively, you can contact Miss Bryan using our class email:


Class Dojo is only used for communication in Reception Class. You will still have access to your child's portfolio on Dojo but unfortunately we won't see any messages that you send so please remember to use the class email. Thank you 😊
