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Week 3


This week we have been using 'Ten Frames' to represent numbers which helped us with our counting forwards and backwards.


We have been innovating the story 'Lost and Found' ready for our independent writing next week.


We have been superstars with our phonics, we have started our phase 4 consonant blending sounds. We practised blending words with the 'st' sound whilst playing a game and writing them with chalk on the playground during Outdoor Learning. 


We looked at animal classifications.  We learnt that animals fit into specific groups which are reptiles; birds; fish; insects or mammals.

Did you know that humans are mammals?


In small groups, we used the instruments today to create our own piece of music to represent 'Under the Sea'. 


Our topic this term is Harvest. We talked about what time of year harvest happens and what we are thankful for. We then created an Autumn wreath.


Our topic this term is about where our food comes from. We looked at whether fruit or vegetables grew under the soil or on trees and bushes.  


In P.E. this week we have been practising our throwing skills.
