On Monday the theme of our PE lesson was sea animals.
We worked on developing our rocking and rolling.
First, we were rocking sea turtles, rocking from side to side. Then we rolled backwards on our shells and practised sitting back up on our bottoms.
After that, we imagined we were seals, practising a straight roll. We had to to keep our arms up (nice and straight) and our legs together (nice and straight) as we rolled from one side of our mats to the other.
On Wednesday the theme of our PE lesson was pet animals.
We copied and created short sequences by linking actions together.
To warm up, the children travelled around the room in different ways and when a colour was called out they had to find a hoop of that colour, placing one foot inside the hoop.
Once warmed up we learnt three actions to copy, horse galloping around the hoop, rabbit jumping in and out of the hoop and a dog climbing through the hoop. We took it in turns with a partner to copy the sequence. After that the children thought of some different ways to travel around the hoop and then copy their partners.
At the end of the lesson we used apparatus to create our own sequences.
This week we had a visit from Molly, a dentist in Blackburn. She came to talk to us about brushing our teeth.
She also brought some toothbrushes for us as we are going to be taking part in AP Smilestars Supervised Brushing Scheme. We are very excited to start!
This week in music with Miss Ahmed, the children went into the hall to explore tempo.
They played a tempo game, where the children had to listen to a piece of music and decide whether the tempo was fast, medium or slow.
green = fast tempo
yellow = moderate (medium) tempo
red = slow tempo
They had to run to the cone that they thought matched the tempo of the music.