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Week 4

Star of the week!

Our super star of the week this week is Leon, he has won this week for his positive attitude. It is obvious Leon has had a challenging few weeks but since coming back to school, he has not complained once, he has used his manners and thanked those that have helped him and most importantly, he has worked just as hard in class, during each lesson as he always has done. The amount of times the children asked ‘When is Leon coming back?’ Shows what a huge part of our class you are and how much your classmates value you as a friend, well done Leon!


This week in maths we have been extending our knowledge on money.  We worked in our Kagan partners to complete some problem solving with concrete materials. 

Our TT Rockstar award this week was awarded for the most coins earned. Congratulations Mila!

Our hand writer of the week is Esme- Rose. Well done Esme, keep up the good work! 


We have been learning new tennis skills during our PE lessons. We have enjoyed using our dominant hand to hit the ball in a forehand movement, participating in rallies with our friends. Each week we continue to gain more accuracy when hitting the ball. 
