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Week 6

Star of the week ⭐️

Felix has won the star award this week for his fantastic efforts in both English and Geography! He always shows great enthusiasm throughout our geography and science units and often shares facts and explanations with the class. Over the last few weeks, we have combined our English lessons, with our geography volcano topic and Felix has used some great facts and volcanic vocabulary in his writing. Well done Felix!


The Savanna Biome 

During our geography topic, Year 3 have been working in groups to create and present a fact file about the adaptations of plants and animals in the Savanna biome. 


TT Rockstar Award 

Theo has won the TT Rockstar award this week for the most correct answers, well done Theo! 

PE: Golf

Year 3 have enjoyed their PE lessons, focusing on golf this week. They have practiced the correct grip and stance whilst exploring hitting techniques and aiming toward a target. 

You Made Me Smile 

Lilly-Mai has been given a ‘you made me smile’ slip this week for kindly smiling at members of staff in the corridors!
