Week 4
We had a visit from Life Education Lancashire on Wednesday and the children were reunited with Harold the Giraffe! They discussed different feelings and how best to deal with them and how we can lead a healthy lifestyle. It was a very interactive, fun morning with some valuable messages and learning.
The children have continued using Google Earth this week to explore our local area. They labelled maps, discussed changes in the area and discussed different local physical and human features.
In maths we have created our own number lines which has helped us to estimate numbers on a number line. Our outdoor learning then moved us on to skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.
We have been discussing our memories of the Queen this week and the children have made contributions to a whole school scrap book in memory of Queen Elizabeth. It was a lovely afternoon and the children were very respectful.
Our guided reading text this week was called Hector the Hermit Crab and the vocabulary we studied was:
hermit, wander, wailed, mend, struggling, stumbled and design
Can the children remember the actions and definitions for these words?
Well done to Eska who was our SKAT winner last week and Lottie who was our SKAT winner this week!
Have a lovely weekend