Week 2
We have started preparations for our Christmas nativity this week and have started learning some of the songs! We will be performing with reception class and Year 1 and we are really looking forward to it!
We started our DT unit this week and began looking at the stability of different structures in the hope of creating a stable chair for Baby Bear over the coming weeks.
The children thoroughly enjoyed watching the pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty' on Friday. It was an amazing performance and a fantastic time was had by all!
We read a selection of war poetry during our guided reading sessions which linked in well with Remembrance day. The children made their own felt poppies and were very respectful during discussions and the whole school minutes silence on Friday.
We got creative during our KS1 worship this week and created pictures of 'what peace means to us'. There were some lovely, thoughtful discussions and it was lovely seeing year 1 and year 2 children working together.
In science we investigated the importance of being hygienic and keeping ourselves clean. We used glitter to represent germs and investigated the best way of getting rid of germs. In RE we have been learning about the Guru Granth Sahib which is the Sikh sacred text.
What a busy week!