(scroll down for pictures!)
Well our first full week back has flown by and I can already tell that this is going to be a wonderful week in Year 3! The children have made me so proud with how they have settled into life in the juniors and we have had a very productive week!
We have started our learning in maths on place value, first recapping representing and partitioning numbers to 100 and then moving onto hundreds.
In English we wrote manifestos to persuade our classmates to vote for us to be Pupil Voice Group Co-ordinators. The children who wanted to actually put themselves forward in the election presented to the rest of the class. They did an amazing job.
In English, we have also started looking at our text for the half term: Stone Age Boy. The children had to do some guessing work from props in the classroom and also did some great inference work on suggesting the thoughts of characters in the story.
Our science this half term is all about rocks and soils. We went outside to stand on the ground and guessed what the layers were underneath us. Then we learned the correct names for the different layers of soil: organic layer, top soil, sub soil, parent material and bedrock.
We began to listen to and explore ballads in music. The children had mixed feelings about how much they liked the song Space Oddity by David Bowie.
Our PE sessions have got off to a flying start with Mrs Blackburn on a Tuesday and Mrs Wilton on a Friday. It's been lovely to be outside in the sunshine!
In PSHE, the children explored rules with Mrs Wilton.
This week we also started our history learning which is all about how the life of Ancient Britons changed in The Stone Age. We had some great discussions and learned some very fancy vocab! I can already tell we have some super smart historians on our hands!
What a wonderful first week. I'm sure you will have some very tired children this weekend!!
Miss Scholfield x