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Online Safety


Online Safety Policy

Parent Pupil Online Safety Rules and Agreement

Sextortion- Parent letter

Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 6th February 2024)

The Cultural Capital Committee


Our group is made up of Jennie, Harrison, Harry, Karthik and Zuzanna. We work with Miss Smith and Miss Whaley to promote online safety and British

Values in school. On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day. We delivered an assembly to all of the children about the importance of internet safety. We have also introduced some new rules in school to help everybody stay safe online. These rules are up in every classroom and the children will regularly be reminded of them. Please encourage your child to follow these rules at home as well. Thank you for your support with this. 


Online Safety Act

Social Media

Location Tracking

Social Media Online Safety Tips

Reporting Harmful Content

20/10/2023 - Year 2 Online Safety Assembly


Year 2 have been learning about on-line safety and on Thursday they presented their learning to Mrs Jacques, Miss Whaley, Miss Smith and the Digital Leaders. The children spoke confidently about a very important message and thoroughly enjoyed acting, singing and Makaton signing too! Well done Year 2, your oracy skills were amazing and you educated people about the importance of internet safety!


CEOP Parent Help Sheet to Online Safety

CEOP Online Safety Parent Helpsheet

YUBO - App feedback from BwD Young Peoples Services suggests that there has been an increase in young people using an App called YUBO. The App has been described as similar to tinder but aimed at children. The National Online Safety team are advising that children and young people do NOT use the App due to the risks it presents.

Safer Schools App!!




TikTok Parent Guide & Advice

OMEGLE - Parent Guide

NSPCC Children's Experience of Harmful Content


Roblox- A Parents Guide to Protecting Children Against Harmful Content


Please visit this website.




Parents Guide to Live Streaming

Parenting in a Digital World Online

15 Apps Parents Should Know About

Christmas is nearly upon us and the National Online Safety Organisation have released their 12 top tips for children with new devices. 

Parents Key Online Safety Messages

Parental Acceptable Use Online Safety Agreement 2019

The Digital Generation Guide

The 'Digital Generation' guide has been developed as a quick way to get up to speed on issues and advice relevant to our children and the technology they use.

How Technology Impacts Sleep Quality


Please click on the link below for more information about how technology impacts on their sleep quality.
