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Year 5


Year 5 2022/23


Year 5 Staff


Mrs Kirby is the class teacher. We are supported by Miss Kelly.

Important Information




Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children should come into school in sportswear on these days, wearing trainers or pumps. Our PE lessons will be a mixture of indoor and outdoor sessions, subject to weather conditions.




Homework booklets will be given out at the start of each half term (on the first Monday). Children have one week to complete the tasks set. Their booklets should be returned to school on or before the following Monday. Raffle tickets will be given out for each piece of homework completed. 




The children have been issued with home reading books. Whilst opportunities are given for these to be read at school, to best support your child please could you read with them for 10 minutes each day? 


                                                         Contact Us


We are looking forward to working closely with you during your child's time in Year 5. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss anything with us, please catch us at the door at the beginning or end of the day. We can also be contacted on the class email ( or via the school office. Please be aware that the class email account is not checked on a daily basis. If the matter is urgent, please contact the school office team who will be happy to help.




Our Learning

We will update our webpage weekly with photos and information about our learning from Year 5. Please take a look!
