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Week Seven

Our final Star of the Week for this half term is...


Our SKATs winner this week was...









Well, the first half term is finished. What a wonderful time we have all had. Miss Smith and Mrs Hudson are so proud of all the children, they have worked so hard this half term and have produced some amazing work. Well done everyone, have a fantastic, relaxing week off and prepare for lots of work and great fun next term!



Have a look at the work we have completed in the final week of the half term.

Buddy Lunch


The class had a great time with their buddies from reception this week. The Y5 children chatted to and helped the younger children eat their lunch, then had a wonderful time playing with them when they came out onto the playground. Well done everyone, your buddies had a fabulous lunch with you. 



This week, the children were asked to complete an independent piece of persuasive writing. This was about Fairtrade and the impact being a farmer who works with Fairtrade has on the lives of the Farmers involved. The children embraced this piece of work with enthusiasm. After completing their piece of work, the children then presented it to each other.


Well done, you all did so well.



The class invited Year 6 to the playground, so that they could give a presentation about Fairtrade (which has been our geography topic this half term.)


The children all spoke beautifully, clearly and were very articulate. 


The Year 6 children all commented on how well Year 5 presented.



The children have been studying multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. The children have worked hard and used resources to support their learning. 


Mrs Hudson's group has been learning about systematic number bonds, and adding through 10's.

They have worked hard and have helped each other when they struggled with the work.




This week the science lesson was all about soluble and insoluble materials. The children tested five different things to see if they were soluble or insoluble. 


We tested salt with water, sugar with water, sand with water, stones with water, and finally chalk with water.







We finished our block of football lessons by having competitive planet team football matches.


We had fun and the points will go towards the overall planet winners for this term. 

Arts Award


This week Mrs Hudson and the club members designed and made the basic model for their Japanese worry dolls.


These dolls will be painted and decorated, which the children have designed themselves.


The worry dolls will then go home with them, and help them to manage emotions.


Great work again everyone, you make Mrs Hudson proud every time you meet, with the enthusiasm and willingness to listen and learn.
