The children have thoroughly enjoyed writing and designing their own information booklets this week. They have included all the features of an information text and it's been lovely seeing them applying all their previous learning. The have definitelty been aiming high this week!
In maths we have been using our rekenreks to add and subtract by crossing 10. It is quite a tricky skill to master, however the children have been amazing! We have lots of mathematicians in Year 2!
In PE with Mrs Blackburn the children have continued learning different ball skills. What a fun time we had!
We have been practising for our on-line safety performance this week as part of our oracy outcome in computing. We will be presenting it to governors next week and the children have really enjoyed singing and signing to the song!
A group of children attended a multisports festival on Friday and represented St James' extremely well. Everyone tried their best and were presented with a medal at the end of the morning. A good time was had by all and we can't wait to be invited to another event so the rest of the class can attend too. Thank you to Marcelina and Declan (Year 6) who were our young leaders for the morning. Well done everyone!
As a class we are trying to beat our highest score of 47 home reads per week. Please can you read with your child for approximately 10 minutes a day and write in their reading record. The children calculated that if each child reads 4 times from now until next Thursday we will get our highest score of 60 reads per week!!
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Malik