Week 1
This week we have had such a busy week and we have worked our absolute socks off! We have all completed our phonics screening check! We have blown Miss Whaley and Miss Bryan away with our progress and we have all done amazing!
Star of the Week
This week our star of the week is Andrew. He has been working so hard to make the right behaviour choices and has shown a real improvement in his behaviour. Andrew has also made huge progress with his reading and demonstrated this in his phonics screening this week! Well done Andrew, keep it up!
This week we have started to look at our new topic of landscape media. We made a seaside collage and learnt about making the horizon line where the sea meets the sky. We also discussed using different shades to show the difference between the sea and the sky.
This week we in PE with Miss Whaley we have started our net and wall games. This week we looked at the ready position and practiced rolling and stopping a tennis ball. We worked in pairs and we had to try and get the tennis ball to roll between our partners goal to score a point whilst they were trying to defend and stop the ball! We had lots of fun!