Week 4......... and the Nativity practising continues!
The children are doing an amazing job learning their lines and the songs and are really looking forward to performing for you on the 5th and 7th December.
In PE this week the children have enjoyed developing their ball skills with Mrs Blackburn and then transferring those skills into a mini football game. There are some great budding footballers in Year 2!
In maths we are learning about 3d shapes and have been counting, faces, edges and vertices of different 3d shapes.
We had a visit from Andy from Road safety on Tuesday who spoke to the children about keeping safe on the roads. The children actively took part in the discussions and some children got the opportunity to act out different scenarios.
The Courageous Advocates raised £230.15pm for the Nightsafe Charity by holding a Bake sale on Tuesday. Thank you to all the parents who donated cakes and all who attend the Bake sale afterschool and bought items. Well done!
In English a group of children worked on developing their oracy skills with Mrs Pickering by acting out the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Such an enthusiastic performance, well done!