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Week Six

Wow, we have made it..


What a last week, from Oracy - commentating on netball games, to making Easter cards. 


Monday we were over at Church learning about the different stations of Holy week.


Tuesday, a new group of swimmers started. Such great fun watching them in the water.


Wednesday, Mr T lead worship and spoke about hope and how hope and action works hand in hand to make a change.


Thursday, Mrs Hudson took her group and produced chocolate cornflake nests with mini eggs. Mrs Pearson, Mrs Wilton and Miss Whaley took children to take part in the Cross Country challenge at Darwen Vale. Well done to everyone who took part, great sportsmanship and teamwork.


Friday, Ukulele lesson, with Mr Wilson, computing and RE with Mrs Wilton and French with Mrs Pearson.


Here is wishing everyone a wonderful, peaceful and chocolate filled Easter holidays.

Take care, have a great time with your families.


See you in two weeks. 


Mrs Pearson and Mrs Hudson
