(scroll down for pictures)
What a lovely first week back. It has been so nice to be back in the classroom together this week.
As always, we have hit the ground running with our learning and our first week back has been jam packed!
The children have enjoyed gathering research all about Roald Dahl, ready to write a biography about him together as a class next week.
Our maths learning has continued to build upon addition and subtraction, using place value counters and grids to practise exchanging into other place value columns (also known as carrying the number for us oldies!).
The children have begun their new units in PE. These are dance on a Tuesday and Basketball on a Friday. The children are very lucky to have Mrs Blackburn and Mrs Wilton teach their PE lessons. Both are very experienced and passionate teachers who are fantastic, especially at teaching PE!
One of the headline lessons for the children this week has been our final lesson of the Eating Seasonally Design Technology unit. The children designed and made their own vegetable tart. The excitement levels were high and the tarts looked and smelled delicious. I can't comment on the taste as nobody shared their tart with me! However, the children really enjoyed eating them and I know lots of them are keen to make them at home. I will post the recipe below.
In geography we have started to explore the topic of earthquakes and in RE, the children have been looking at Christian art. Our science topic for this half term is Animals including Humans. This week we looked at the 5 key food groups are their health benefits.
Have a super weekend.
Miss S x