Star of the week
Lorcan has had an amazing week in school. He has won the TT Rockstar award for the most time spent playing. Lorcan is also our Star of the Week, he has a positive attitude, a huge smile on his face and is willing to help both staff and pupils at all times. Lorcan always tries his best during lessons and often asks if he can help in any way, offering to do jobs round the classroom. It is a pleasure to have such a happy and kind person in our class. Well done Lorcan.
Lyla has won our handwriting certificate this week. Well done Lyla, keep up the good work.
This term we have begun our cricket unit. Year 3 have had lots of fun practising underarm and overarm throws, focusing on accuracy. We have all enjoyed bowling towards the wickets.
This week we have been looking at famous monuments around the world and discussed why they are considered monuments. We also looked at some local monuments, including Darwen Tower.