Star of the week and SKAT winner
Congratulations to our Star of the Week and SKAT winners.
Harry is awarded Star of the Week for being an amazing talk partner in class. Harry always listened attentively to what his partner is saying and has some brilliant discussions within our lessons. Well Done Harry!
Lois is our SKAT winner this week, she has been recognised for being a superstar in science! Lois was involved in setting up a tooth decay experiment and demonstrated a good understanding of how to make it a fair test. Well Done Lois
On Monday we studied “David and Goliath” in RE. We summarised the key points of the story in a comic strip drawing. Once we had established the most important people and what happens from the beginning to the end we started a drama piece. We worked with Miss Fitz who taught us the drama skills needed to turn our comic strip into a short performance. We performed as each character and discussed what emotions they might show. We worked in groups to add movement and dialogue to our performance. We then added props and costumes to our drama pieces to make the performances more believable. We performed our finishes pieces in groups to the rest of the class.
Creative Worship
We enjoyed a creative worship with Rev Alice. We talked about how we are all different individuals yet all part of one faith, one family and our community.
In science we have started a new experiment looking at tooth decay. As part of this experiment we have placed hard boiled eggs into different liquids, including tea, coffee, orange juice and coke. We have discussed ways which we can keep teeth healthy, made predictions on the results of our investigation and noted down some initial observations about the eggs. Catch up next week to see our results!