Year 5 were very excited to open up their letters from their Reception Buddies!
They set to work, telling their new Reception buddy a bit about themselves!
Buddy Playtimes
Every Thursday, Reception Class and Year 5 play outside together on the big playground.
On September 28th, the buddies met for the first time during their first buddy playtime.
Our First Buddy Lunch
18th October 2023
The Reception children enjoyed chatting to their buddies as they ate their lunch.
The children enjoyed lining up together for their first Buddy Lunch!
The Year 5 buddies were very helpful!
Food time!
Buddy Reading
30th November 2023
Christmas Craft Morning
18th December 2023
We enjoyed a morning of Christmas crafts
together in the hall.
Merry Christmas from our Reception and Year 5 children!
We ended the morning by dancing to one of Reception Class' favourite Boogie time dances!
Year 5's Pop Up Books
5th February 2023
The Year 5 children made a pop up book based on a nursery rhyme as part of their DT learning. They shared their pop-up books with their Reception Buddies.
The Reception children enjoyed trying out the pop-ups!
The Year 5 children read their books to the Reception children.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!
Buddy Trip to Roman Road Library
20th February 2024
We went to Roman Road Library together.
The children enjoyed spending time together and were excited to go.
They chose books from the shelves to share
with each other.
Reception Class enjoyed their buddies
reading to them.
Everyone listened to a story read by Sue the librarian.
The children were very respectful in the library.
Buddy Lunch
16th January 2024
Wet Playtime
Buddy Lunch
8th May 2024
Buddy Reading
20th May 2024
We went in the hall to share some books together 📚
Library Trip Number 2!
Woodland Walk
Wednesday 17th July 2024
We went on a walk in the woods with our buddies!
Afterwards we came back to school and Year 5 enjoyed playing in the Reception outdoor area with their buddies!