Our Attendance this Week...
(down 1.1% from last week)
This Week's Star of the Week
🌟 Benedict 🌟
This Week's SKATs winner
👏🏼 Ayeesha for being organised 👏🏼
Where does our food come from?
This half term we have been learning about where milk comes from and dairy products that are made from milk.
This week we learnt about a dairy farm in Devon called Quicke's. They have 528 cows and they use the milk that the cows produce to make and sell cheese. They sell lots of their cheese to places in Australia. We looked at a world map and found the route that the ships take to deliver the cheese to Australia.
Did you know that a calf can start producing milk at two years old!
On average each of the cows at Quicke's dairy farm produces 20-25 litres of milk per milk! That is a lot of milk!
At the end of our lesson, Miss Bryan showed us how to make our own sandwiches and then we enjoyed eating them!
This half term in DT, we are making our very own windmills! Mr Hudson has asked us to make windmills so that he can check when it is going to be windy outside.
We have a design criteria!
Our windmills have to be able to:
Stand up on their own ⬆️
Have a part that can catch the wind 💨💨
Be able to move in the wind 🍃
Be colourful🏳️🌈
This week we made the sails for our windmills which we will attach to our structures next week 🌟
We practised cutting evenly space out slits in a piece of paper before cutting our own sails ✂️
This half term we are learning to 'Keep the Pulse'.
This week we used a heart mat to help us use a thinking voice in our head while we spoke our sound patterns.
My name's Miss Bryan,
Hello Miss Bryan
My Name's Benedict,
Hello Benedict
(watch this space ... videos to be added next week)