Week 5
Wow! The days are just flying by and we are loving every minute of our learning in Year 3. This week we have done our very first independent write in English and we blew Miss Whaley away with some of our vocabulary and grammar features that we included!
Star of the Week
This week our star of the week is Aubrey. This week Aubrey has been working so hard to pick up the pace when working independently but still include the same quality and content. Aubrey has proved to us she is a true superstar, and as always she has been an excellent role model to others!
Confidence Club
This week, Miss Mack started her group sessions with some Y3 children. The confidence club went down a treat with 7 of our children. They loved learning new things about each other in a game based situation in our lovely and calm nurture room. This group is to help build and grow confidence within ourselves and our friends! Great teamwork everyone!
Design Technology
This week we had a super exciting DT lesson! We practiced our cutting and peeling skills of seasonal fruit and vegetables but we were also lucky enough to have the opportunity to taste them! There were lots of mixed opinions especially on mushrooms... however Miss Whaley and Miss Mack were so proud of us all as everyone tried at least one new thing!
Chick Visit
We were super lucky to be able to look after Year 2's chicks for an hour this week! We all got to hold and look at a chick. We discussed the life cycle of the chicks and linked this to our science learning! What a lovely afternoon we had!