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Week 2

Week 2


This week we have been working really hard in class and we have jumped straight into new learning in Year 3. We have impressed Miss Whaley and Miss Mack with our real love for learning. We can't wait for another fun week!


Star of the Week


This week our star of the week is Eva. She is always ready to learn and is doing the right thing. She goes above and beyond when presenting her work, her books are so beautiful and neat. Well done Eva!




We absolutely loved our science lesson this week. We have been looking at different scientific enquiries and this week we were learning about solar ovens. We are hoping that the chocolate and marshmallows melt!




This week we learnt about where our food comes from and how it is imported. We also explored which foods grow in which seasons in the United Kingdom. We then recorded this on a season wheel.




This week we were lucky enough to join with Year 2 and play some dodgeball on Friday afternoon. We had so much fun and even enjoyed getting Miss Whaley out, especially when she was running to help each team!



