Our Attendance this Week...
96.4 %
(up 5.3% from last week)
This Week's Star of the Week
🌟 KJ 🌟
This Week's 'Tea @3' Guest
☕ Francois ☕
This Week's SKATs winner
👏🏼 Muhammad-Zayn - I am organised 👏🏼
This half term in geography, we are thinking about the overall question 'How does the weather affect our lives?'
This week our firs question we focused on was ' How do great artists paint the weather'. We talked about different types of weather and then looked at some different paintings and discussed:
- what weather conditions are shown in each painting
- what season we think they show
- whether we could 'feel' the weather in each painting.
We then became artists ourselves!
We painted a weather picture ourselves. We thought about the weather we wanted to show.
Miss Bryan asked us to show these three things in our painting.
PE - Dance
This week in dance we talked about how dancers use pathways to make their dances interesting.
We talked about the following three pathways:
* zigzag
* forwards and backwards
* circular
We created our own dances in pairs using at least two of those pathways using counts of 8.
Some of the children volunteered to perform to the rest of the class: