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Autumn 2 Week 3 (Monday 11th November - Friday 15th November 2024)

Our Attendance this Week...


(down 6.3% from last week)


This Week's Star of the Week

🌟 Noah 🌟


This Week's SKATs winner

👏🏼 Leo for having a go  👏🏼


Tea at 3 Guest

🍵 Alanna 🍵


This week in PE we have carried on our invasion games unit. We have been discussing the role of attackers and defenders.

This week we learnt how to make a good pass to our partner. Using the inside of our foot to kick the ball and stopping it with our foot before kicking it back.


We created a class pictogram on the computer of our favourite fruits in Year 1. We discussed the data in the pictogram and thought of a good title for our pictogram.


The children then had a go at putting the following data into their own Pictogram on Purple Mash using 2count.

We also logged into our Numbots account and worked our way through the levels.

This Week's Phonics Learning

This week's talk token and spellings
