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Week 1

Week One


Wow, what a brilliant start to a new half term.


Our Star of the Week was 

We have had such a busy week.


English - Narrative Text - The Lion, The Witch and the wardrobe.


We are now reading The Chronicles of Narnia. This week we have looked at historical texts, and how the Author expresses themselves differently. How the speech is different, and how we as readers can use dictionaries to decipher the meanings of the text in todays understanding.




This week we are continuing our learning about materials and matters. The children conducted an experiment to find out how they investigate two bottles of liquid. One salt water and one pure water (without taste). The children had two containers with a sample of each liquid. The containers were then put in a warm area of the class room to evaporate in the heat. This will lead to a conclusion next week. The children were asked to write a hypothesis.
