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Spring 2

Week 1



We started our new topic of 'Traditional Tales' this half term.  We found pictures in our outdoor area and predicted which story we would be reading.  We found pictures of straw, sticks, bricks, a house, a wolf and a pig.  Can you guess which story we started reading?

We also added conjunctions to our sentences to make them more interesting.


This week we have been looking at, and comparing, the length and height of things.  We found things that were longer or shorter than our whiteboards, compared the heights of our friends and found out who is the tallest.  We also measured the length of objects in our classroom using blocks and lollipop sticks.


We looked at the human form in Art.  We looked at some artwork by Andy Goldsworthy and made human shapes from tangrams. Then we made mannequins using pipe cleaners.
