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Week 1

What we've been up to this week...


Welcome back everybody! Half term seemed to fly by! I hope you all had a restful but fun break. 


We hit the ground running this week by finishing our shared write - a persuasion letter to the chief of a pretend village - then using these skills in our independent write. Our independent write was to Mrs Uttley to persuade her to let us have a fun themed day. We will see if we were successful when she reads them! We also started our new English unit which is biographies. This is usually a favourite with the children in Y3 so hopefully they will really engage well and produce some amazing writing. 


We finished our computing unit on spreadsheets this week. The children loved this lesson! We explored cell addresses, using the letter and number to find the correct cell and colour it in to create a picture. We then played a treasure map game, finding the hidden items on the spreadsheet and writing the cell address. I was very impressed with the children. We certainly have some computing whizzes in class!


The children made a great start on some collaging in art. Firstly exploring the technique of layering to create a background and their initial, then using this skill to create a collaged skyline. They are looking fabulous and I can't wait to share some pictures and display them when they are done! 


In maths we have continued with our learning about money, exploring pounds and pence and adding and subtracting money. Money is such a practical area of maths, so if you are able to at home, it would be wonderful to play shops and practise adding and subtracting money, as well and giving change. 


PE was our last dance lesson and the final performance was great! Our final dance was made up of the following sections:

- A section made up by the children which everyone did the same.

- A section which the children made up themselves in groups then taught a partner group.

- A section which the children chose from 3 moves and improvised.

- A section which was taught to the class and then the children helped change the levels e.g. medium, high and low.

- A section which the children created slow movements in canon (staggered starts). 


We've had such a busy week and as always, the class have been fantastic!


Miss S x


Year 3 Final Performance

Our final dance for our PE unit!

Guided Reading - Matching Vocab and Definitions
