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Week 4 (w/c Monday 24th January 2022)

PE - Catching - the basics

Catching is an important skill for the children to develop as it is used in many games they will play in the future, cricket; netball; rugby; basketball and many more.


This week the children learnt the basic catching technique.


  • Hands ready out in front of your body, cupped, ready to catch.
  • Watch the object watch it all the way into the hands.
  • Move our hands to catch the object if you need to.
  • Close your hands around the object to catch it.


Today we used beanbags. They are easier to catch than balls and do not roll around if dropped!




This week in Worship and RE we heard the story of Moses, a special baby.

Look at this beautiful painting of Moses in his basket on the river.


His mummy was very brave and trusted that God would look after Moses. We talked about people who we trust.


This week we have focused on the text 'The Enormous Crocodile' written by Roald Dahl. Miss Bryan remembers listening to this story at school too! We created some of the characters using different media in class and enjoyed hearing a different part of the story each day. We made lots of predictions about what we thought would happen next! We all thought The Enormous Crocodile would eat some children! 

On Friday we completed a book review about the story. Everyone gave it 5 stars and said it's their favourite book yet! The children gave some excellent sentences telling Miss Bryan their favourite part of the story and gave excellent reasons.
