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Week 1

Welcome back to the last half term of the year!

We started our new English text 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' this week and the children have thoroughly enjoyed making predictions, writing character descriptions and working as a group to generate fabulous new vocabulary using the Word Hippo Thesaurus. 

We have been working very practically in maths this week whilst the children consolidate their addition and subtraction skills.

It was fun in the sun during our outdoor learning session on Tuesday when the children practised spelling the Year 2 common exception words by solving anagrams. In PE the children have been learning to dribble with a ball and dodge their opponents as part of the invasion games unit.  In class and as a school we have been learning about Pentecost this week and why it is such a special time for Christians.  The children looked great in their 'Holy Spirit' headbands and have enjoyed looking at Pentecost artwork from around the world in our KS1 worship.


Homework books have been given out this week - 1 spelling sheet and 1 maths sheet per week.  Please can you also encourage your child to log onto TT Rockstars as I have set times table practise each week to recap the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.  Reminder log in details will be sent home with the children on Friday, should you need them.
